Driving for the company that I, we, drive for reminds me of when I joined the Navy. In Boot camp, they give you a comb, then cut all your hair off. Next they give you a tooth brush, and pull your teeth. Next, they give you a Jock strap and well, I said goodbye.......
Here they give you a truck and take away your clutch, just as well, they take the gear shift also. They give you all kinds of outside mirrors, then take them away. They give you a view camera to replace the mirrors, then forget to install it. They give you fuses and don't tellyou how to find them. They give you multi cabinets but leave only room for a note pad. They give you a special motor that only runs on special fuel and is suppose to burn it off through a special thingamajig and does not. They give you wipers that do not have fuses for when they stop working. They give you catwalks and then take them away so you can hardly attach your air lines and light cord. They give you a space under your bed to store stuff then fill it with their stuff that is some kind of heater that no one knows how to tell you how it works. They give you a communication device that will allow them to say stuff to you while you drive but you cant respond till you stop. They let people type in directions that can't even spell S P E L L.
They say they are all about the driver and family, but just not yours. You can have home time in for 2 months and they still can't get you there on time.
But we are at home now and thank God for that. Tomorrow is my Birthday and Ruth Ann is fixing my favorite food...beans n ham over cornbread....love it love it love it......LOVE HER...wish you all could be here, but you can still send presents....lol.......
Going Up
6 hours ago
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