Friday, November 26, 2010

"Words falling out of my head."

There comes a time
when you just have to stop.
There come a time
to think about what you got.

There comes a time
to really look around.
There comes a time
to stop staring at the ground.

There comes a time
to escape the rat race.
There comes a time
to reach out and embrace.

There comes a time
to accept who we are.
There comes a time
to wish upon a star.

So this is the time
for family and friends
to come together
to laugh, reminisce and play.
So this is the time
to mingle and help
to share pictures and stories
to hold hands and pray.

So this is the time
to be thankful to be here
to sit and enjoy the feast
and unite on Thanksgiving day.


  1. In this world as we know it today-It's nice to know that some people are here to stay..

