It seems that the Media has taken complete control of our entire life. THEY tell us what us to hear, THEY tell us what to read, THEY tell us what to see, THEY tell us what to think. It is everything from the government to the reality shows. THEY zero in on one subject and that is all there is for the next month, months and even years. There is no such thing as journalism anymore I guess. It used to be that reporters scrambled for new news. Try to beat deadlines. Actually lived up to the title of News Persons. Now, now all we have are a bunch of wannabe's. They say the same thing over and over and over. And if someone try's to comment on whatever thing is in the lime light, that person is belittled and quickly shut up. You have no opinion because the so called New Person is right, always right no matter what. Just ask Nancy Grace for one. So, the singer is dead and you would have thought that would come to an end. Nope, there is going to be more to the story even if it never turns out anyone is guilty, THEY will probe and accuse and belittle and keep saying the same thing over and over and over. And then if that is not enough to drive you to the brink of insanity THEY have one on the back burner...a reality show gone bad..Really? hhmmmmmm you put your family on display for those who watch this crap and you live, fight and show everyone who you are. Gee, did it not work out the way everyone would have thought it would? Nope, separation and the kids are going to suffer. You dumb anus's, did you not think this stuff would effect the kids? And now, Octamom is going to have her own show.
Okay, I have figured out away for me to be enlightened about all this. I am gonna film Ruth Ann and I as we go about our normal daily chores on the road. You know, ...driving, sleeping, eating ,reading and playing on the computers. Then, with great anticipation of seeing something really awesome, we will watch our own reality movie the next day. Hmmmmmm, what the heck. There is nothing really all that interesting. Just two people living and doing what they do everyday. How come we can't get sponsors and T. V. shows? Our film is no different form any of the others. Ours is just as dumb. Where's the money.
Like I said, THEY are in control of our information. I think you all would have enjoyed our little movie of reality.
You all be safe.....................later, Brad