1. I do not have any money to campaign so I will need a lot of word of mouth.
2. I do not have an extensive amount of higher education.
3. My past does have some blemish, nothing terrible.
4. The following is my platform:
A. Get rid of the party system, it does not work anymore.
B. Elect on the popular choice.
C. Get rid of the electoral college.
D. Only have one Senator and one Congressman (sorry, person) per state.
E. Get rid of this "political correct" crap.
F. Lock down our boarders.
G. Get rid of the illegal aliens.
H. No amnesty for any part of illegal's, including the ones born here.
I. Stop foreign aid and apply to our citizens.
J. Stop rebuilding war damage....it is "WAR" damage.
K. Open up our closed down military ba
and put them to work in them to earn the freebies they are getting.
L. Re-enact the draft. Every one at the age of 18 must register. Now let me say this, I am not saying.
that they will be called on as we where when we were at that age. I would like to have a pool to draw from.
M. This nonsense that the electic officials get this enormous salary after they leave office. That is got to
N. What this country needs most of all "IS THIS COUNTRY". We need to get back to the American
basic's. Build American, buy American and be American.
O. We need to take the money we are lending and spending oversea's and put it back into our
P. Tax the rich the percentage that they should be paying.
Q. Put the parents and school back in charge of our kids.
R. Take big government out of the home.
Well, there you have it. I really do think that what I believe would if nothing else put us back on the right track to recovery. I know that there are a lot of things that you would consider off the wall. But stop and think about it, your may change your mind.
So when you go to the booth, and you see that little space at the bottom. Go ahead and right my name in.
I am Ralph L, Bradbury and I approve of this blog.