Well pardner...it seems that the pilgrims in these parts are, according to Red Foreman, dumb ass's. While on a trip looking for adventure across the great wide west, some low-down scoundrel that makes water heaters put a varmint of a pipe in the contraption and it broke. Oh, it not only broke, but it shared its misgivings on the unsuspecting homestead. The water not only killed the old laundry room, but left the bathroom in a horrible death of drowning. Yelp, the carpet and underlying tile in both areas are in the great floor coverings in the sky, may they rest in peace.
I put a reward on the pipe of Dead or Alive, and sent my Deputy Mike into put an end to the pipes menacing ways. Ha, the deed is done and the pipe has learned its lesson. But Oh Woe is Me, for now I have to go back and do the dirty work of cleaning up the horror that it left in its wake.
With hat on head, mask on face to fend off the dying dust and gun in hand I ride my mighty orbital sander into the valley of dismay. Back and forth, side to side I bring revenge against the the damage. Ha, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, the "BIG PICTURE" if you will.
Yes, just another day in the life of the lone sander rider, but I leave with this warning to all that prey on floors...I am never far away...HI HO Orbital, HI HO.
You all take care now..........................Later, Brad