Thursday, November 24, 2011

Fill in the blank.

Ok, I have had it with all the ridiculous and insulting nonsense that the politicians are spewing from their stupid mouths. No matter what side of the fence they come at us from neither have a clue about anything. I tell you what, I am throwing my hat in the ring. Stop, keep reading. You may find some humor, reason to think about what I am saying and even perhaps get behind me. So here goes:

1. I do not have any money to campaign so I will need a lot of word of mouth.
2. I do not have an extensive amount of higher education.
3. My past does have some blemish, nothing terrible.
4. The following is my platform:
A. Get rid of the party system, it does not work anymore.
B. Elect on the popular choice.
C. Get rid of the electoral college.
D. Only have one Senator and one Congressman (sorry, person) per state.
E. Get rid of this "political correct" crap.
F. Lock down our boarders.
G. Get rid of the illegal aliens.
H. No amnesty for any part of illegal's, including the ones born here.
I. Stop foreign aid and apply to our citizens.
J. Stop rebuilding war is "WAR" damage.
K. Open up our closed down military bases and take the people that are on welfare and food stamps
and put them to work in them to earn the freebies they are getting.
L. Re-enact the draft. Every one at the age of 18 must register. Now let me say this, I am not saying.
that they will be called on as we where when we were at that age. I would like to have a pool to draw from.

M. This nonsense that the electic officials get this enormous salary after they leave office. That is got to
N. What this country needs most of all "IS THIS COUNTRY". We need to get back to the American
basic's. Build American, buy American and be American.
O. We need to take the money we are lending and spending oversea's and put it back into our
P. Tax the rich the percentage that they should be paying.
Q. Put the parents and school back in charge of our kids.
R. Take big government out of the home.

Well, there you have it. I really do think that what I believe would if nothing else put us back on the right track to recovery. I know that there are a lot of things that you would consider off the wall. But stop and think about it, your may change your mind.

So when you go to the booth, and you see that little space at the bottom. Go ahead and right my name in.

I am Ralph L, Bradbury and I approve of this blog.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

"Enough is enough!"

I have tried not to voice my opinion where I am sure I will be stepping on peoples feet. But, as the title of the blog states..."Politically Correct.....not" you must realize that I have my own mind set agenda. Before I get started I first will say this, if I offend you it is only because evidentially you most likely offend me. Also, if you are a devout anything, then I will most likely be stepping on your toes.

To begin with...Casey Anthony was found not guilty...get over it.
Nancy,Jane,Vinny,HLN are the cause of alot of hate.
I did not nor would I ever vote for Him.
Reality shows are not reality.

Still here? Then lets get to the topic.............

GAYS...........did you know that you can go to school and learn how to be gay? Did you know that you can pray your gay away? Did you know that gay marriage is ruining straight marriages? Did you know that every gay person is after every straight person and want to have sex with them?

Did you know that when you call for the fire department, the fire man that just saved your child may be gay?

Did you know that the police officer that just pulled you out of a wreck may be gay?

Did you know that the medical person that just saved your life may be gay?

Did you know that the men and women in the armed services that fight and die for your freedom may be gay?

Some self proclaimed gay man was on the radio the other night saying that he prayed his gay away and now he is a minister and married to a woman. Ok, he is living a straight life. From everything he said about his childhood and how he lived his life I, nor did the person that was interviewing him feel that he was gay. He had a bad childhood filled with abuse. He chose to enter the gay lifestyle, the key word being "Chose". He lived in that style for around 11 years and then a friend told him about religion and how it could help perhaps with some of the problems he was going through. He prayed for a different life and "WALLA" he was straight again, pretty much as he already was.

I feel that you are who you are. I cannot imagine anyone praying to be gay, reading books on how to be gay, going to some gay school to learn to be gay. I believe that you are born gay. I feel those that are gay have to put up with enough crap from the homophics then to have more of this nonsense shoveled onto them.

Gayness is not a "FAD" that some people weave their lives in and out of because it is the "THING" to do.

Gay people are not the dreaded down fall of society, the haters are. The states that allow gay marriage I applaud you.

Gay people love, they share, they raise children, they die...hmmmm...oh yeah, just like the straight people.

Get over yourself straight people, gay people most likely don't think you are that desirable to have a fling with. Gays are human and are not predictors on your way of life. They want to be treated like you, want the same rights as you and want to live thier lives as free as you. They are proud of whom they are, hell, they even have parades and banners...."GAY PRIDE". Are you proud of whom you are? You Christians, do you show love, understanding the willingness of do onto others as you would have them do onto you? I am just saying.

Okay, there you go. Am I gay? Why, just because I support the gays? Why, because I am not afraid to speak my mind on the subject? Why, because I don't care what you say about my stance? I tell you what, why don't you go ahead and put a label on me, but I got to let you know..I most likely wont care what you decide on that matter. I know who I am and those who know me know who I am. 'STOP ALL THE FRIGGIN HATE!!!!!!"

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

" New Sheriff in Town "

Well seems that the pilgrims in these parts are, according to Red Foreman, dumb ass's. While on a trip looking for adventure across the great wide west, some low-down scoundrel that makes water heaters put a varmint of a pipe in the contraption and it broke. Oh, it not only broke, but it shared its misgivings on the unsuspecting homestead. The water not only killed the old laundry room, but left the bathroom in a horrible death of drowning. Yelp, the carpet and underlying tile in both areas are in the great floor coverings in the sky, may they rest in peace.

I put a reward on the pipe of Dead or Alive, and sent my Deputy Mike into put an end to the pipes menacing ways. Ha, the deed is done and the pipe has learned its lesson. But Oh Woe is Me, for now I have to go back and do the dirty work of cleaning up the horror that it left in its wake.

With hat on head, mask on face to fend off the dying dust and gun in hand I ride my mighty orbital sander into the valley of dismay. Back and forth, side to side I bring revenge against the the damage. Ha, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, the "BIG PICTURE" if you will.

Yes, just another day in the life of the lone sander rider, but I leave with this warning to all that prey on floors...I am never far away...HI HO Orbital, HI HO.

You all take care now..........................Later, Brad