Setting aside all political and spiritual agenda for at least this post. As I drive over the highways at night there is not much to do but let my mind wonder and think of all the things that we take for granted. It is nearing Christmas again and there are lights and decorations everywhere, even in and on our truck. I see families in their homes enjoying their evening together. I see them in cars going to stores. I see families together. This is a catch 22 for me. I am happy for them and yet it makes me sad also, there are so many that can't be with their families or loved ones. It is so easy to overlook those who are not at home. They are the people in service, the firefighters, the police. They are the care givers, the food service and the truckers. All these people that provide for us and protect us are away from those they love. So I say to you, during your time of joy, stop and give thanks to those that have given up their holiday in one way or another so that you can have yours.
To all that cannot
be with those at home.
To all that cannot
be but alone.
To the Doctors and Nurses
and those in the armed forces.
To the Police and truckers
and those in food services.
We appreciate all you do
so I just wanted to say............
Have a Merry Christmas............
and a Happy Holiday....
You all be safe.............later, Brad